Friday, November 5, 2010


Watch Free Movie with visual studio.

Cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Justine Bartha; Director: Bart Freundlich; Producers: ; Screenwriters: Bart Freundlich; Producer Bart Freundlich, Mark Gill, Robert Katz, Tim Perell; Music: Clint Mansell; Genre: Drama / Romantic Comedy; Distributor: ; Location: New York, USA; Running Time: 96 mins.;

Technical Assessment: 3
Moral Assessment: 2
CINEMA Rating: For mature viewers 18 and above

Sandy (Catherine Zeta-Jones), has turned 40, separated from her husband and looking for a new job in a new city and trying to get over the pains and heartaches. She rents an apartment above a popular coffee shop with her two children. Aram Finklestein (Justine Bartha), a 25 year old college graduate, also recently divorced and unsure of what to do with his life, decides to work in the coffee shop, wasting his time with dead end jobs until something exciting comes up. Luck has it for Sandy as Aram turns out to be a superb nanny for her two children, allowing her to explore and improve her career and personal life. Aram becomes close to Sandy’s children and eventually to her as well. Conflicts and arguments arise when age and personality differences come in the way. Will this May-December affair have a happy ending after all?

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